《綻放光輝四十載 成果豐收耀中華》




教育局《尋根溯源・傳承文化 ── 在幼稚園推行的中華文化活動》電子書中記錄本校《包粽子》活動

教育局《尋根溯源・傳承文化 ── 在幼稚園推行的中華文化活動》電子書:https://emm.edb.edcity.hk/bookshelf/sbsk/Desktop/mobile/index.html


School-Based Learning Activity of Chinese Culture

Name of Activity : Celebrating the National Day

Objectives :

  • Know the 1st October is the National Day
  • Respect the national flag; inspire children to love the country

Brief Descriptions : Children attended the National Flag Raising Ceremony to learn the etiquette and enhance the sense of belonging to the country.

Record of Activity : Flag Raising Team hosted the ceremony. All of the children learn the etiquette.

School-Based Learning Activity of Chinese Culture

Name of Activity : Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival

Objectives :

  • Know the Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China
  • Feel the joyfulness of the festival
  • Learn the traditional food and activity of the Mid-Autumn Festival

Brief Descriptions : Through the games, children experience the happiness of the festival. Teacher introduced the festival food to children. Children did some crafts about Mid-Autumn Festival.

Record of Activity : Children put on Chinese traditional clothes, played the lantern and shared the moon cakes.

School-based Learning Activity of Chinese Culture (K1)

Name of Activity : Sing and play at Jiang Nan

Objectives :

  • Appreciation of classical poetry Jiang Nan
  • Experience the culture of Jiang Nan
  • Design and decorate the oil paper umbrella

Brief Descriptions : Introduced the classical poetry ‘Jiang Nan’ and show the view of Jiang Nan to kids through singing and playing. And the kids decorated the oil paper umbrella with rubbing art and finger art.

Record of Activity : The kids pretended to be fish and played with the locus leaves. They held the little umbrellas to experience the culture of Jiang Nan.

School-based Learning Activity of Chinese Culture (K2)

Name of Activity : Full of the Fragrance of Jasmine

Objectives :

  • Know the flower of jasmine and jasmine tea
  • Learn to sing the folk song of ‘Jasmine’
  • Make jasmine flower with the light clay

Brief Descriptions : Showed the jasmine and jasmine tea to kids. Kids learned the JiangSu folk song of ‘Jasmine’ through playing games and instruments. And then they made a pot of jasmine with light clay and other materials.

Record of Activity : The kids were learning the JiangSu folk song of ‘Jasmine’ through different ways and feel the fragrance and beauty of jasmine.

School-based Learning Activity of Chinese Culture (K3)

Name of Activity : Peking Opera

Objectives :

  • Appreciation of the song ‘Sing Facial Masks’
  • Learn the culture of Peking Opera Facial Masks
  • Design and decorate the masks

Brief Descriptions : Introduced the Colors and Characteristic Traits of Peking Opera to children. Appreciated the song ‘Sing Facing Masks’. The kids were engaged in a creative activity of drawing their own facial masks.

Record of Activity : Introduced the unique features of Peking Opera to children, including the exaggerated appearance and the vibrant colors. Kids designed and decorated the masks with water color.

School-based Learning Activity of Chinese Culture (Graduation Ceremony)

Name of Activity : Graduation Ceremony and Chinese Culture Learning Outcomes Show

Objectives :

  • Promotion of Chinese ancient poetry ‘Sheng Lü Qi Meng’
  • Show the traditional Chinese Food Culture

Brief Descriptions : At the graduation ceremony, K3 students showcased the Cantonese restaurant culture to parents through a song and dance performance titled ‘Dim Sum Melody Medley’; K2 and K3 students performed a song titled ‘Antient Rhythm Resonance’ to savor the Chinese traditional poetry with parents.

Record of Activity : Song and dance performance ‘Dim Sum Melody Medley’ and ‘Antient Rhythm Resonance’

Chinese traditional clothes day

The children back to school with the Chinese traditional clothes to show the beauty of the Chinese traditional clothes.

Chinese Paper-Cut Activity

Children appreciated the artwork of paper-cut and cut some patterns with scissors.

Teachers training-Chinese Culture Workshop (twenty-four solar terms)

Through the Mainland-Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Program, organized by EDB, Mainland expert Wang Bing came to school to enrich learning elements of the country and Chinese culture into the curriculum to enhance children’s understanding of Chinese Culture. In teacher training workshop, teachers explored the Chinese Culture Education through learning twenty-four solar terms.

Mainland expert Wang Bing stationed at school to carry out teaching research activities.

Mainland expert Wang Bing carried out teaching study, planning lessons, lessons observations and post lesson discussions with our school teachers.

K3 class activity : theme “I Love China” to learn Chinese Tea

  • Children understand Chinese tea culture and cultivate the pride of Chinese as the homeland of tea.

K2 Class Activity : Theme‘I want to have a dog’

PE Activity- Baby Panda Visit Grandma

  • Children learn the appearance, characteristics and living habits of giant pandas and understand that giant pandas are precious first-class protected animals in our country, we must protect them well.

K1 Class Activity : Theme ‘New Year’

Music Activity-Roll Tangyuan

  • Introduce Tangyuan to children. They understand the Tangyuan is the food of Lantern Festival, and can move happily to the rhythm of music, and can express "big" and "small" with body movements.